Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Where in the world is Ginger Gattinella?

Welcome to our new game, Where in the World is Ginger Gattinella?  (Think Where in the World is Carmen Santiago meets Geo Guessr).  The way it works; I post a photo, you name the country.  If possible the city.  If even more possible, the district.  And if you're a geo-genius, the exact location.  There's only one rule; NO GOOGLING!  You may only use the clues in the photos.

(I'm expecting big things from you, Kernan Coleman)

1.  The Pony Ride

 2.  The Square (I look like an amputee, but I'm not)

3.  The Park

4.  The Venue


  1. Oh, and I guess I should have clarified that each photo is in a different location. Good guess on Hamburg, you're close.

  2. judging by the see through shirt the girl behind you is wearing... im gonna go with Amsterdam. wait, are we guessing cities or are countries okay?
