Monday, September 2, 2013

Berlin; weird and wonderful

Here's a collection of shots from Berlin.  After all of the Hollywood film depictions, I was pleasantly surprised by all of the parks, random nudity, artisans, and absinthe.

Just like Purell, only more honest.

Our first day in Berlin, we visited a beer garden just a few miles from the hotel.  And yes, those are the infamous row boats in the back of the shot.

Perhaps some things are lost in translation.  Then again, perhaps not.

#4.  Hipster-Contest.  The same in any language.

Street fair wood-fired oven.

It's a whole lot of wonderful.  So I've been told.

That's so hot.

The Berlin Wall; now a canvas for artists.

My first absinthe and I didn't even lose my mind, drown a kitten, or murder anyone.  I'd call that a win.

Waffles with ice cream.

Roy's general expression during our stay in Berlin.

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