Sunday, August 25, 2013

DAY TEN: A little private time in a row boat

Berlin, Germany:  The trip is going along swimmingly.  Roy devises an alibi for my accidental drowning during our vacation.  He also clarifies how my personal belongings will be divvied up.  SPOILER ALERT!  Spencer, you're out of luck on the roller skates.  Tressa, you got the Cuisinart.


  1. What? Wait? I get nothing? Uncle Stabby gets goose eggs?

  2. Oh, Uncle Stabby, to you I bequeath my vintage Hermes typewriter (and the two reams of vintage watermarked typewriter paper). And, to Bob, my collection of Vintage hats. Make some room. xo

  3. Yeah, be nice to Roy while you're on that rowboat, sweetie - that boot will sink you like a stone, lol. Hope you're having a great time! -Kathy xoxo

  4. Ms. Morelli! I donated that boot to a needy individual (hopefully not too prematurely) whilst in Paris. It was clashing with my je ne sais quoi. Miss you tons. xo

  5. But... i wanted your underwear.

  6. Too bad on the underwear--I stopped wearing it years ago. Your father finds it fairly comfy, though.
