Monday, December 2, 2013

Shit gets weird(er) in Thailand...

With Naj, Nas, and Sori along, we did what we do best, rented scooters and set out for the best street food we could find.  Here's what we found:

I like to look my food in its face when I'm eating it.

The only time our Sori had a melt-down was when she was forbidden, by her father, to eat these cockroaches, maggots, and larvae.   Silly seven year-olds!

At the weekend market in Bangkok.

Naj & Roy enjoying a little street food.

You know those tiny little, helmeted, sand crabs that scurry away from you as you walk down the beach?  Well, these are those.  Wok-fried with garlic, and delicious.

The Salamati family on their scooter.

Naj & J 'bout to take down a few kilos of crab.

Roy buying our lunch at the Muslim fishermen's market in Pha Nga.  More crab.

J with the best pineapple EVER.

Sori finds, and inhales, some dried squid.

Notice what looks like books with yellow paper and black type?  Well, those aren't words, they're flies.

Super-duper yummy prehistoric local bay crab.  Eaten steamed, by the boatload, bayside.

The only non-locals enjoying this side-of-the-dirt road food hut.

Unequivocally, the BEST chicken I've ever had in my life.  Or should I say best 4 chickens.  We couldn't stop eating them.

Note: unfortunately, we have no photos of the Windham Hill reunion with Palo Alto alumnus, Mr. Michael Riley and his lovely wife Kay.  Michael left our little record label and ended up in Bangkok to manage the Tower Records location there many years ago.  It was an Asian treat to hang out with him after 15+ years.  Michael's chain of Bangkok smoothie shops is called "Twist" and they are mind bendingly delicious.  

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