Sunday, September 29, 2013


After about 40 days of city-stomping, The Professor and I were ready to trade-in some cobblestones for some sand and surf.  So we did.

South of Barcelona, and about 100 kilometers off of the coast of mainland Spain, are the Balearic Islands including Majorca, Menorca, and the infamous party island of Ibiza.  About 10 kilometers off of Ibiza is the smallest island called Formentera (it's like the redheaded step-child of the glam group).  In prime season, May through September, prices can be a bit steep, but luckily we arrived in the last weeks and took advantage of a nice little VRBO house equipped with a kitchen and outdoor pizza oven.

The sea is like one giant bathtub with fish, and the food is re-donk.  One of our new food favorites is a little thing called Fidueau--it's like paella, but with pasta.  And one of our favorite new activities is...wait for it...wait for it....KAYAKING.  I know, we were surprised too.

First kayak trip at sunset with a harvest moon rising.

Even more kayaking.

Along with every other Italian on the island, we rented a Piaggio BV125 to get around town.

We chased a few of these.

Yoga on the cliffs.  Spoiler alert; I didn't tumble down the side.

The days looked like this.

The nights looked like this.

A few culinary highlights were Formentera Bakery, Real Playa, Vogamari, and Cibus Take Away.  Although, the best meals, admittedly, were brought-to-you-by The Professor via our little kitchen, the local fish shop, and the fresh pasta at Cibus Take Away.  The drink of the week; Hierbas Ibicencas.

Centro Nautico of Formentera
A special shout-out to Peter, Ruby, and Nester of Centro Nautico of Formentera.   You guys were FANTASTIC!


  1. Scot-E-Nic...I'm merely a scout for your and Chappy's next adventure. When you're not busy remodeling other peoples' bathrooms.

  2. In Centro Náutico Formentera we are very pleased that you enjoyed the experience. See you next summer! ;)
