Monday, September 23, 2013

For all my foodie friends...

Location:  Barcelona, Spain

So, no surprise that we won't be dining in Barcelona's finest dining establishments like ABAC, or any of the other eight mentioned in Elite Traveler (The Private Jet Lifestyle Magazine).  Not that we wouldn't love to, it's just that we're still waiting for our travel endorsement deal, which I'm sure is coming any day now.  Until then, though, we've got tapas.  And more than just tapas, we've got the Boqueria.

I'm sure Anthony Bourdain--or Josh Silvers--would tell you that you need a strategy for this place.  First, you walk around, ogling the fine foods, making mental notes, and then return to indulge in your favorites.  Or, there's Roy's strategy, just eat it all, and worry about the food coma later.  I tend to fall in the former category and am kinda old fashioned when it comes to the sequence.  I can't, say, have an octopus salad, then a cupcake, some sashimi, a fist full of paella, a Serrano ham crepe and call it all breakfast--like someone else I know and happen to be traveling with whose name I won't mention.

Sitting down for a mixed grill platter.

The Professor, eyeing the shrimp.

First, this lady wins Best Hair of the Boqueria.  Second, this is the point in time when Roy just starts eating the ingredients raw.  Who needs a kitchen?  And what's all this food-safety mumbo-jumbo?!


Absolutely no animals were harmed in the making of these cupcakes.

PORCINIS!  Only 20 Euro per Kilo, that's like $10 per pound.

This we did not have the pleasure of sampling.  Maybe when we get to Tokyo.

Enjoy it now, because at home, we'd be arrested for it.

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