Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Barcelona--so nice, we went twice

Before "trainning" it (chugga-chugga-choo-choo) over to Italy, via Figueres, we hit up Barcelona again for a few more days.  Unlike the first go-around, we got to share it with Diane, Tony, AND Doralice, some of our favorite peeps from Sonoma County.  Are we lucky, or what?!  I'd say 'blessed' but then Tressa would strangle me upon my return.  But first...

Wait...is he mocking gingers?  I think he is.
These are razor clams at Pulperia a Gudina that made Roy do this:

...cry like a little baby girl.
Doralice & Ginger

Tony, Ginger, Diane & The Professor

Somebody got to do a little sunbathing to work on her collection of freckles.

Rooftop view of Barcelona (thank you, Tiana!)

Bottom line, when you go to Barcelona, go to Pulperia a Gudina and order the razor clams, go to La Sagrada Familia right before it closes (thanks to Doug-the-triangulator-Provisor for that one), and meet up with Doralice, Tony, and Diane--whenever possible.

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