Tuesday, September 17, 2013

In Boras

For about 10 years now, the Santa Rosa Junior College has been hosting a program for the Entrepreneurship students of Sven Erikson Gymnasiet in Boras, Sweden.  For about four of those years, Roy's been teaching a few of their classes--mainly about marketing to us over-consumers in the US.  And for about five of those years, we've taken exchange students home to live with us.  Through Facebook, we've been able to keep up on their progress and possibly (or possibly not) the introduction of Beer Pong to Sweden.  Thank you, Tressa.

So...last week we headed to Sven Erikson to meet the next three years of Entrepreneurship students.  

Figuring out travel logistics--for four months--can be kinda tough.  And the small towns seem to be a bigger challenge.  But not when there's "Super Sanna."  Four years ago, Sanna Strand came to live with us, along with Ida.  Now I'm not saying we have favorites, but we did have a TON of fun.  And luckily, Sanna felt the same way.  At least enough to pick us up at the train station, cart us (and our luggage) around, check us into the hotel, and arrange for a traditional Crayfish Party with her family.  We were blown away!  Here's a few things we learned at the Crayfish Party:

1.  You get to wear hats
2.  You get to eat crayfish (which aren't like our crayfish at all--they're more like mini-lobsters)
3.  Sanna has, quite possibly, the nicest family in the whole world
4.  "No one puts Baby in a corner" is NOT a line from "Million Dollar Baby" (Roy)
5.  Prepare yourself, 'cause you're gonna be singing songs in Swedish and taking shots.
6.  The food is delicious.
7.  Did I mention that you get to wear hats?  

A ginormous thanks to Sanna and her family for their incredibly kind hospitality and especially for putting us up on our last night in Sweden.

Love and crayfish forever!

Next up:  Boras, Part II

1 comment:

  1. Wish you and Miss Loy were along to enjoy all of it with us.

    J & R
