Saturday, September 7, 2013


Every country we visit becomes our new favorite and this week's favorite is Denmark.  The Professor gave a presentation at a business college, just outside of Denmark, and I took the opportunity to go for a walk, sneak in a little shopping, write a few post cards, and eat something that he wouldn't approve of.

The presentation

This is what a perfect day looks like in Copenhagen.

Okay, listen up you hipster foodies, you.  This is Fiskebar.  If you find yourself in Copenhagen and want to have a bomb-diggity dinner--this is the place.  It's one of those restaurants that's so obscure, we couldn't find it.  We drove around and around in a fish processing facility/meat packing plant sure that our GPS was misleading us and directing us instead to the bottom of a lake.  But that wasn't so.  We found it eventually when someone told us, "it's the place without the sign in the window."  Ponder that.

The fish processing plant 

So you could imagine how surprised I was when the kitchen started turning out plates like this one, The Brill.  Raw, marinated Rome shrimps, seaweed, green tomatoes and nasturtiums, aoili on fish skins, and garlic.

Here are the Razor Clams from Scotland with malt bread, fennel, and hazelnuts.  

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